Center research 2014-2024

Mid - resolution research (2014-2016)

Laws and Emergencies- A Comparative Overview of Emergency Laws and Regulations in 12 democracies
How do modern democracies regulate disasters?
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Law, Cyber and Extreme Conditions (2014-2017)

Earthquakes (2014-2017)

Israel’s Regulatory Framework for Earthquake Preparedness, Response and Recovery
Evaluating Israel’s Regulatory Framework for Earthquake Preparedness, Response and Recovery within the Regulatory Impact Assessment Framework including Public Engagement Mechanisms
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Center publications (2014-2025)

List of Center publications
In alphabetic order
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Social capital and recovery (2025)

The Dynamics of Social Capital and the Recovery of Israel’s Gaza Envelope: A Formative Evaluation
Researchers: Deborah Shmueli, Danielle Zaychik, Yonat Rein-Sapir, Alex Altshuler and Michal Ben-Gal
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Iron Swords (2025)

Impacts of Iron Swords (Israel-Hamas war in Gaza) on Well-being
Researchers: Yonat Rein-Sapir, Deborah Shmueli, Eran Feitelson, Eli Salzberger, Pnina Plaut, Danielle Zaychik, Alex Altshuler and Michal Ben-Gal
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Local Indicators (2024)

Resilience and Spatial Development Indicators for Israeli local authorities
Researchers:Deborah Shmueli, Danielle Zaychik, Efrat Mishor and Michal Ben-Gal
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Recovery after earthquake (2024)

Regulatory and Policy Frameworks for a Mid and Long-term Recovery after a Major Earthquake
Researchers: Deborah Shmueli, Eli Salzberger, Amnon Reichman, Danielle Zaychik, Michal Ben-Gal and Inbal Blau
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Well-being after COVID-19 (2023)

The Effects of COVID-19 on Wellbeing: Evidence from Israel
Researchers: Eran Feitelson, Pnina Plaut, Eli Salzberger, Deborah Shmueli, Alex Altshuler, Michal Ben-Gal, Fabian Israel, Yonat Rein-Sapir & Danielle Zaychik.
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Israel regulatory system (2020-2022)

Towards an Israeli doctrine and legislative-regulative framework dealing with emergencies
Eli Dalzberger, Robert Neufeld et al.
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COVID-19 (2022)

Learning from Others’ Disasters? A Comparative Study of SARS/MERS and COVID-19 Responses in Five Polities
Eli Salzberger, Deborah Shmueli, Deborah el al
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Post-doctoral fellows research

Post-doctoral fellows research

Post-doctoral fellows research

Supported research (in 2014-2021 calls for proposal)

Annual reports 2014-2023